One thing I have learned is that the U.S. goes a bit more overboard at Hallowe'en than we Canadians do. Or I think they do...I must admit most of my life is lived downtown and not in the suburbs so who knows really. On Casper's second walk today I took along my point and shoot and pointed and shot some of the following pictures. Casper kept himself busy watering every tree. I am sure I will see even more elaborate decorations as my wanderings take me around more of this city.
While in the Lake District I wanted to do some light walking but not heavy duty hiking where I could easily get lost and my body not found for days partially eaten by hungry...sheep? Anyway, you get the drift...not too grueling and safe for a solo walker. I get a bit nervous when I am too far from civilization. There are lots of books about walking in the Lake District but they seem to be all about walking the fells in remote places...neither Thelma nor I fancied that. While browsing in the post office/shop in Ambleside one day (if you are ever in Ambleside you must go there - a treasure!) I found a stand of walk descriptions on post cards. And there I found my walk. After all who could resist a stroll on the "coffin trail" in William Wordsworth country... I took a look and thought along the route...that works for me. (with at least the security of knowing there was an available "loo" along the way.) Okay, I may not have totally...